Training at the Annual DRBF Conference
in Seattle
From September 22 to 24, I had the privilege of attending an intensive one-day course on the administration, practice and presidency of a Dispute Resolution Board (DRB) given on the margins of the 15th Annual Conference. of theDispute Resolution Board Foundation in Seattle.
The Foundation is a Seattle-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to develop and promote dispute prevention and resolution on construction projects around the world through the well-established Dispute Resolution process. Board “(DRB). It works in close collaboration with the American Association of Arbitration (AAA), of which several representatives also participated in the Congress.
In many US states, this training is a prerequisite for anyone who wants to be selected as a member of a DRB. These trainings are given by experienced trainers with long experience in managing large projects and DRBs such as Kurt Dettman, Eric Kerness, Doug Holen and Roger Brown.
As it appears from the attached list, over a hundred delegates from different US states and other countries attended the congress.
Gerald McEniry gave a présentation on the embryonic development of DRBs in Canada while other speakers exposed the exponential growth of this mode of PRD, first on all types of projects in the United States, but also in Australia and elsewhere in the world on the European model of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC). See the presentations by clicking here.
A very interesting simulation of a meeting of the committee with various stakeholders of a project, based on a lived case, demonstrated the very proactive character of the intervention of the members of the DRB.