Participation and special recognition at the Québec Participatory Justice Day
At the Participatory Justice Roundtable organized by the Bar of Montreal, Me Pisapia was invited to join a panel with Me Olivier Kott, Ad.E. and Me Sophie Truesdell-Ménard on the evolution of ADR practices within the construction industry in Québec.
Check out online the panel “Participatory Justice: Winning Practices”.
This event brings together all of the major actors of the justice system in Québec on the occasion of the Québec Participatory Justice Day which has been instituted since 2016.
Check out online the dedicate page for “The Québec Participatory Justice Day”.
Me Pisapia was also invited by the Fondation du Barreau du Québec at its conference dinner dedicated to participatory justice where his contribution to the advancement of ADR in Québec will be acknowledged.